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What is Lawn Topdressing?

Lawn Topdressing is where we add an organic,fine compost to the lawn, usually after overseeding. It is specifically designed to help the seed to germinate and to provide it with the essential nutrients it needs in it's first stages of growth. It also provides a covering to prevent birds from eating the seeds, and can be used to improve poor soil structures like a clay based soil.

Benefits of Topdressing

  • Provides the grass seed with all the nutrients it needs in it's first stages of growth.

  • A thin covering helps to hide the seeds from birds, resulting in fewer loses

  • The fine compost adds a layer of rich organic matter full of beneficial nutrients to the soil

  • Topdressing can be used to help improve soils with poor structure like clay or sand based when combined with Aeration

Organic compost lawn dressing
Bannerman topdresser applying lawn topdressing
Topdressing applied and brushed in

Topdressing process

After Aeration and Scarification, the lawn is overseeded and then can be topdressed.

We do this with our Bannerman Topdresser which produces an even covering of the Topdressing over the lawn. We recommend a covering of roughly 4mm over new seed.

After all the topdressing is applied, we can then brush in the topdressing so it sits below the grass leaf and covers the seed. This is done with a dragmat.

After this, a selected Lawn Treatment is applied and as long as there is moisture and warmth, the seed will germinate in around a week, producing a lovely, healthier lawn.

Overseeded and topdressed lawn result

For more information on how we can help your lawn contact us today

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